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Website Analytics Explained Part Three: Visitors & Page Views

Thanks for stopping by once again to our ongoing series intended to help you learn as much as possible about your website’s analytics. At this point I’ve explained what is meant by bounce rate as well as detailing the differences ...

Website Analytics Explained Part Two: Direct, Organic & Referral Traffic

Hello again! Thank you for stopping in as we continue our educational process regarding the demystification of all those pesky website analytic terms. I hope you’re finding this series informative, easy to understand and helpful! I can’t stress how important ...

Website Analytics Explained Part One: Understanding Bounce Rate

You’re a savvy business owner who knows data, analytics and numbers can make or break your company. It’s one thing to be presented with a wealth of information, especially when it comes to how your website is performing, but it’s ...

What Is At The Heart Of The American Dream?

  Marketing Automation Giveaway Tell us about your American Dream! Tell us what the American Dream means to you and be entered to win an Easy LeadLocker Lead Management System valued at $4,099! Our team will select one submission to ...

Google’s Upcoming Mobile Ranking Changes

Google recently made the following announcement regarding the importance of mobile responsive website design that some are calling “Mobilegeddon”: “Starting April 21, we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. This change will affect mobile searches ...

A Power Marketing Year In Review

2014 was a great year for Power Marketing and our valued clients! We thought it would be fun to take a look back at some of the amazing businesses we helped exceed their marketing goals as well as some of ...

A Holiday Story From Power Marketing

  ‘Twas the night before Christmas, I was filled with concern. My marketing budget, last year did I burn. Not seeing return from the cash we did spend, I promised my boss, in the New Year it would end.

Maximize Your Facebook Marketing Efforts

Don’t Let the Wave of Social Media Marketing Pass Your Business By. Learn How to Use Facebook to Expand Your Online Reach and Build Your Brand. With more than 1.23 million users, it’s hard to ignore the social networking powerhouse ...

7 Key Numbers Homebuilders Must Understand

“The response to the presentation was simply amazing. It’s obvious that the home building industry is definitely on the uptick, but still searching for viable solutions to increase revenue while exceeding the ever growing demands of clients.”

AdWords vs. Organic Search Results

Which One Will Get Your Business the Best Search Results? Every day someone asks our Maryland SEO company the same question — “Can you get my business to page one of Google?” And it’s obvious why — a whopping 70-85% ...