DocuTrac’s website before (left) and after (right)
Nobody likes wasting hours of his or her workday on paperwork. That’s the concern DocuTrac had when they contacted us about improving their website design. DocuTrac is a mental health software solutions company. Their target audience includes mental health professionals who feel compelled by government regulations to implement a customizable software solution for their billing and office records. In a nutshell, these professionals would rather do therapy (or anything else, really) than documentation. Unfortunately, it’s a necessary evil.
DocuTrac’s software appeals to buyers looking for ease of use because they don’t want to be burdened with processes that affect or prohibit their professional responsibilities. With DocuTrac’s USP (unique selling proposition) statement in mind — DocuTrac’s unyielding focus is to create mental health software that is easy to implement, easy to use and easy to afford — our web design Hagerstown team set out to create a site that functioned as easily and effortlessly as the software they’re selling.
The new site is a simpler, more streamlined web design that reflects how easy DocuTrac’s software is to use on a daily basis. We condensed a significant amount of content and aided with a simple user interface so visitors can navigate the site easier. All website copy was reworded to reflect the ease of use of DocuTrac’s software, as well as their customer service.
Customers can easily find all software features on the site. And, if they have additional questions about the software, they can easily contact a DocuTrac representative through the new Live Chat feature. Ease of Use and Easy Support tabs reiterate DocuTrac’s commitment to exceptional customer service.
Unlike DocuTrac’s competition, pricing for each product is clearly visible and customers can purchase the products directly from the site. A handy Comparing Software feature allows users to view a comparison chart to determine which product best suits their needs. We also incorporated a Content Management System so DocuTrac can maintain their own website externally, updating the News section, content and more.
Does your Maryland website design need a facelift? Let our design team show you how we do it. Call us today at 301-416-7861 or click here.